As per Arizona Department of Revenue guidelines written documentation showing that the website has been updated with data on the percentage and total dollar amounts of FY 2022/23 scholarships paid by family income level for all applicable is outlined below as required in A.R.S. §§ 43‐1503(B)(6) and 43‐1603(B)(5).

A.R.S. § 43-1503.B.6 states that a school tuition organization shall include on their website, if one exists, the percentage and total dollar amount of educational scholarships and tuition grants awarded during the previous fiscal year to a) students whose family income meets the economic eligibility established under the national school lunch and child nutrition acts for free or reduced price lunches and to b) students whose family income exceeds the threshold by subdivision (a) but does not exceed the 185% of the economic eligibility established under the national school lunch and child nutrition acts for free or reduced price lunches.

Community Reinvestment: Low Income Based Scholarships handles both Individual and Corporate Donations and has received both beginning April 2023. Internally, we only issue tuition assistance to applicants whose families are defined as LMI (low-moderate income) as defined in banking terminology AND Low Income as defined by the Arizona Department of Revenue and measured against the national school lunch and child nutrition acts for the free or reduced-price lunch guidelines. More information related to qualifications can be found: programs/national-school-lunch- program#:~:text=Low%2Dincome%20children%20are%20eligible,qualify%20for%20reduced%2 Dprice%20meals.

Award History

  • Community Reinvestment: Low Income Based Scholarships opened donations in April 2023 – 1st individual donations were received April 2023, first corporate donations began September 2023.
  • In School Year 22-23 $0 was issued
  • 100% of tuition assistance is provided to low-income families, defined as income up to 185% of the poverty level as measured against income thresholds.

Below is a breakdown of scholarships for the 22/23 school year.

Total Corporate Low-Income Scholarships awarded in 22/23: $0
Total Corporate Disabled Displaced Scholarships awarded in 22/23: $0
Total Original Scholarships Awarded in 22/23: $0
Total Switcher Scholarships awarded in 22/23: $0

Community Reinvestment: Low Income Based Scholarships is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization approved by the Arizona Department of Revenue to take private school tax credit donations.
EIN 92-2109451

• In School Year 23-24 $5,000 was issued
• 100% of tuition assistance is provided to low-income families, defined as income up to 185% of the poverty level as measured against income thresholds

Below is a breakdown of scholarships for the 23/24 school year.

Total Corporate Low-Income Scholarships awarded in 23/24: $5000

• 100% ($5,000) went to families with income up to 185% of the poverty level

Total Corporate Disabled Displaced Scholarships awarded in 23/24: $0
Total Original Scholarships Awarded in 23/24: $0
Total Switcher Scholarships awarded in 23/24: $0

Community Reinvestment: Low Income Based Scholarships is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization approved by the Arizona Department of Revenue to take private school tax credit donations.
EIN 92-2109451

Below is a breakdown of scholarships for the 24/25 school year.

Tuition assistance issued so far this 24/25 school year: $32,000